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Professions & Occupations
English Vocabulary
Below we have a list of different Professions and an explanation of what each person does in that profession.
Accountant - a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
Actor /Actress - a person that acts in a play or a movie
Architect - a person that designs building and houses.
Astronomer - a person who studies the stars and the universe
Author - They write books or novels.
Baker - They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.
Bricklayer - a person that helps to build houses using bricks.
Bus driver - a person that drives buses.
Butcher - a person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
Carpenter - a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture.
Chef/Cook - a person that prepared food for others, often in a restaurant or café.
Cleaner - a person that cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an office)
Dentist - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth.
Designer - a person who has the job of designing things.
Doctor - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem.
Dustman/Refuse collector - a person that collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street.
Electrician - a person that works with electric circuits.
Engineer - a person who develops solutions to technical problems. They sometimes design, build, or maintain engines, machines, structures or public works.
Factory worker - a person that works in a factory.
Farmer - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.
Fireman/Fire fighter - a person that puts out fires.
Fisherman - a person that catches fish
Florist - a person that works with flowers.
Gardener - a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden.
Hairdresser - they cut your hair or give it a new style.
Journalist - a person that makes new reports in writing or through television.
Judge - a qualified person that decides cases in a law court.
Lawyer - a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice.
Lecturer - a person that gives lectures, usually in a university.
Librarian - a person that works in a library.
Lifeguard - a person that saves lives where people swim (at a beach or swimming pool).
Mechanic - a person that repairs machines, especially car motors.
Model - a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modeling clothes and accessories.
Newsreader - a person that reads the news, normally on television.
Nurse - a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured.
Optician - a person that checks your eyes and try and correct any problems with your sight.
Painter - a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings.
Pharmacist - a qualified person that works with and dispenses medicine.
Photographer - a person that takes photos.
Pilot - a person who flies a plane.
Plumber - a person that repairs your water systems or pipes.
Politician - a person who works in politics.
Policeman/Policewoman - a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime.
Postman - a person that delivers mail to your house.
Real estate agent - a person that makes money from selling land for development.
Receptionist - a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a company.
Scientist - a person that works in the science industry. They do many experiments.
Secretary - a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps records etc.
Shop assistant - a person that works in a shop or store selling products.
Soldier - a person who works for the army.
Tailor - a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing.
Taxi driver - a person who drives a taxi.
Teacher - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school.
Translator - a person that translates from one language to another.
Traffic warden - a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the wrong place.
Travel agent - a person that organises and sells holidays and flights for others.
Veterinary doctor (Vet) - a qualified person that looks after sick animals.
Waiter/Waitress - a person that works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food.
Window cleaner - a person that cleans windows, normally the windows of big buildings.
1 |
accountant |
: |
Akuntan |
2 |
actor |
: |
Actor |
3 |
air steward |
: |
Pramugara |
4 |
architect |
: |
Arsitek |
5 |
assistant |
: |
Asisten |
6 |
personal assistant |
: |
Asisten pribadi |
7 |
shop assistant |
: |
Pelayan toko |
8 |
author |
: |
Pengarang buku |
9 |
baker |
: |
Tukang roti (pembuat kue) |
10 |
barman |
: |
Pelayan bar |
11 |
builder |
: |
Tukang bangunan |
12 |
businessman |
: |
Bisnisman |
13 |
butcher |
: |
Tukang potong daging |
14 |
caretaker |
: |
Penjaga |
15 |
chef |
: |
Juru masak (koki) |
16 |
civil servant |
: |
PNS (pegawai sipil) |
17 |
clerk |
: |
Pramuniaga / pegawai toko |
18 |
computer operator/programmer |
: |
Operator komputer |
19 |
cook |
: |
Tukang masak / koki |
20 |
decorator |
: |
Tukang dekor |
21 |
dentist |
: |
Dokter gigi |
22 |
designer |
: |
Perancang (busana/gambar) |
23 |
director company |
: |
Direktur perusahaan |
24 |
director film |
: |
Direktur film |
25 |
director |
: |
Direktur |
26 |
doctor |
: |
Dokter |
27 |
driver bus / taxi / train
driver |
: |
Supir |
28 |
garbageman (refuse collector) |
: |
Pemulung |
29 |
economist |
: |
Pakar ekonomi |
30 |
editor |
: |
Editor |
31 |
electrician |
: |
Pakar kelistrikan |
32 |
engineer |
: |
Insinyur |
33 |
farmer |
: |
Petani |
34 |
fisherman |
: |
Nelayan |
35 |
fishmonger |
: |
Penjual ikan |
36 |
flight attendant |
: |
Pelayan Bandar udara |
37 |
hairdresser |
: |
Penata rambut |
38 |
head teacher |
: |
Kepala sekolah |
39 |
jeweler |
: |
Tukang emas |
40 |
journalist |
: |
Jurnalis |
41 |
judge |
: |
Hakim |
42 |
lawyer |
: |
Pengacara |
43 |
lecturer |
: |
Dosen |
44 |
manager |
: |
Manajer |
45 |
miner |
: |
Buruh tambang |
46 |
musician |
: |
Musikus |
47 |
news reader / news
presenter |
: |
Pembawa berita |
48 |
nurse |
: |
Perawat |
49 |
optician |
: |
Ahli kacamata |
50 |
painter |
: |
Tukang cat (pelukis) |
51 |
photographer |
: |
Fotografer |
52 |
pilot |
: |
Pilot |
53 |
plumber |
: |
Tukang patri/pipa/ledeng |
54 |
police officer |
: |
Polisi |
55 |
politician |
: |
Politikus |
56 |
porter |
: |
Buruh pengangkut barang |
57 |
printer |
: |
Tukang cetak |
58 |
prison officer/warder |
: |
Penjaga penjara |
59 |
receptionist |
: |
Resepsionis |
60 |
sailor |
: |
Pelaut |
61 |
salesman/saleswoman |
: |
Salesman |
62 |
scientist |
: |
Pakar ilmu pengetahuan |
63 |
secretary |
: |
Sekretaris |
64 |
soldier |
: |
Prajurit / tentara |
65 |
solicitor |
: |
Pencari pelanggan |
67 |
surgeon |
: |
Ahli bedah |
68 |
tailor |
: |
Penjahit |
69 |
teacher |
: |
Guru |
70 |
telephonist |
: |
Teleponis |
71 |
telephone operator |
: |
Operator telepon |
72 |
travel agent |
: |
Agen perjalanan |
73 |
TV cameraman |
: |
Kameraman TV |
74 |
TV presenter |
: |
Presenter TV |
75 |
vet |
: |
Dokter hewan |
76 |
waiter |
: |
Pelayan |
77 |
writer |
: |
penulis |
No |
Nama Profesi |
Terjemahan |
1 |
Accountant |
Akuntan |
2 |
Actor |
Aktor |
3 |
Actress |
Aktris |
4 |
Actuary |
Aktuaris |
5 |
Administrator |
Administratur |
6 |
Advertising Manager |
Manajer Periklanan |
7 |
Agronomist |
Ahli Ilmu Tanah |
8 |
Air Traffic
Controller |
Pengontrol Lalu
Lintas Udara |
9 |
Aircraft Mechanic |
Mekanik Pesawat |
10 |
Ambassador |
Duta Besar |
11 |
Animator |
Animator |
12 |
Anthropologist |
Antropolog |
13 |
Archeologist |
Arkeolog |
14 |
Architect |
Arsitek |
15 |
Art Critic |
Kritikus Seni |
16 |
Art Gallery Curator |
Kurator Galeri |
17 |
Art Photographer |
Fotografer Seni |
18 |
Artist |
Seniman |
19 |
Assessor |
Juru Taksir |
20 |
Housekeeper |
Asisten Rumah Tangga |
21 |
Astrologer |
Ahli Nujum |
22 |
Astronaut |
Astronot |
23 |
Astronomer |
Ahli Astronomi |
24 |
Athlete |
Atlet |
25 |
Auditor |
Akuntan |
26 |
Author |
Penulis |
27 |
Baker |
Tukang Roti |
28 |
Barber |
Tukang Cukur |
29 |
Barman |
Pelayan Bar |
30 |
Bassist |
Pemain Bass |
31 |
Beautician |
Ahli Kecantikan |
32 |
Beekeeper |
Peternak Lebah |
33 |
Bibliographer |
Bibliograf |
34 |
Biologist |
Ahli Biologi |
35 |
Blogger |
Blogger |
36 |
Botanist |
Ahli Botani |
37 |
Brewer |
Pembuat Bir |
38 |
Building Inspector |
Inspektur Bangunan |
39 |
Bus Driver |
Supir Bus |
40 |
Businessman |
Pengusaha |
41 |
Butler |
Kepala Pelayan |
42 |
Car Mechanic |
Montir |
43 |
Carpenter |
Tukang Kayu |
44 |
Carver |
Pemahat |
45 |
Cashier |
Kasir |
46 |
Celebrity |
Selebritis |
47 |
Chef |
Koki |
48 |
Choreographer |
Koreografer |
49 |
Circus Artist |
Pemain Sirkus |
50 |
Cleaner |
Tukang Bersih-Bersih |
51 |
Comedian |
Pelawak |
52 |
Comic Artist |
Komikus |
53 |
Composer |
Penyusun |
54 |
Computer Engineer |
Insinyur Komputer |
55 |
(Orchestral) |
Konduktor |
56 |
Conductor (Tram/Bus) |
Supir Bus |
57 |
Confectioner |
Pembuat Kue dan
Manisan |
58 |
Cook |
Koki |
59 |
Dancer |
Penari |
60 |
Debt Collector |
Penagih Hutang |
61 |
Dental Nurse |
Perawat Gigi |
62 |
Dental Surgeon |
Ahli bedah gigi |
63 |
Dentist |
Dokter Gigi |
64 |
Designer |
Desainer |
65 |
Detective |
Detektif |
66 |
Dietician |
Penata Diet |
67 |
Digger |
Penggali |
68 |
Diplomat |
Diplomat |
69 |
Director |
Direktur |
70 |
Dish Washer |
Pencuci Piring |
71 |
Diver |
Supir |
72 |
Doctor |
Dokter |
73 |
Dog Trainer |
Pelatih Anjing |
74 |
Doorkeeper |
Penjaga Pintu |
75 |
Driver |
Supir |
76 |
Driving Instructor |
Instruktur Menyetir |
77 |
Drumer |
Pemain Drum |
78 |
Ecologist |
Ahli Ekologi |
79 |
Economist |
Ahli Ekonomi |
80 |
Editor |
Editor |
81 |
Educator |
Pedidik |
82 |
Employee |
Karyawan |
83 |
Engineer |
Insinyur |
84 |
Entrepreneur |
Wiraswasta |
85 |
Ergonomist |
Ahli Ergonomi |
86 |
Ethnographer |
Ahli Etnografi |
87 |
Farm Worker |
Buruh Tani |
88 |
Farmer |
Petani |
89 |
Fashion Designer |
Perancang Busana |
90 |
Film Critic |
Kritikus Film |
91 |
Film Editor |
Editor Film |
92 |
Film Set Designer |
Penata Latar Film |
93 |
Financial Analyst |
Analis Keuangan |
94 |
Financial Officer |
Petugas Keuangan |
95 |
Fine Artist |
Ahli Seni Murni |
96 |
Fire Officer |
Pemadam Kebakaran |
97 |
Firefighter |
Pemadam Kebakaran |
98 |
Fish Farmer |
Peternak Ikan |
99 |
Fisherman |
Nelayan |
100 |
Flight Engineer |
Insinyur Penerbangan |
101 |
Forester |
Ahli Perhutanan |
102 |
Fortune Teller |
Peramal |
103 |
Gardener |
Tukang Kebun |
104 |
Geneticist |
Ahli Genetika |
105 |
Geographer |
Ahli Ilmu Bumi |
106 |
Graphic designer |
Perancang Grafis |
107 |
Guitarist |
Gitaris |
108 |
Hacker |
Peretas |
109 |
Hairdresser |
Penata Rambut |
110 |
Handyman |
Tukang |
111 |
Hatter |
Penjual Topi |
112 |
Headmaster |
Kepala Sekolah |
113 |
Herbalist |
Ahli Herbal |
114 |
Historian |
Sejarawan |
115 |
Host |
Pembawa Acara |
116 |
Hotel Porter |
Tukang Angkut Barang
di Hotel |
117 |
Hydrologist |
Ahli Hidrologi |
118 |
Illustrator |
Ilustrator |
119 |
Inspector |
Inspektur |
120 |
Interpreter |
Penerjemah |
121 |
Journalist |
Jurnalis |
122 |
Judge |
Hakim |
123 |
King |
Raja |
124 |
Knitter |
Perajut |
125 |
Labor |
Buruh |
126 |
Land Surveyor |
Pengukur Tanah |
127 |
Landlord/Landlady |
Induk Semang /
Pemilik Rumah |
128 |
Lawyer |
Pengacara |
129 |
Lecturer |
Dosen |
130 |
Librarian |
Pustakawan |
131 |
Lifeguard |
Penjaga Pantai |
132 |
Machinery Inspector |
Inspektur Permesinan |
133 |
Make-up Artist |
Juru Rias |
134 |
Accountant |
Akuntan Manajemen |
135 |
Consultant |
Konsultan Manajemen |
136 |
Manager |
Manajer |
137 |
Manicurist |
Juru Rawat Kuku
Tangan |
138 |
Marine Engineer |
Insinyur Kelautan |
139 |
Marionetteer |
Aktor |
140 |
Marketing Manager |
Manajer Pemasaran |
141 |
Masseur |
Tukang Pijat |
142 |
Master of Ceremonies |
Pembawa Acara |
143 |
Mathematician |
Ahli Matematika |
144 |
Mechanical Engineer |
Insinyur Mekanik |
145 |
Mechatronic Engineer |
Insinyur Mekatronik |
146 |
Merchant |
Pedagang / Saudagar |
147 |
Metallurgist |
Ahli Metalurgi |
148 |
Meteorologist |
Ahli Meteorologi |
149 |
Metrologist |
Ahli Metrologi |
150 |
Microbiologist |
Ahli Mikrobiologi |
151 |
Midwife |
Bidan |
152 |
Miller |
Tukang Giling |
153 |
Miner |
Buruh Tambang |
154 |
Model |
Model |
155 |
Museum Curator |
Kurator Museum |
156 |
Music Director |
Direktur Musik |
157 |
Musician |
Musisi |
158 |
Nanny |
Pengasuh Balita |
159 |
News Anchor |
Pembawa Berita |
160 |
Newspaper Editor |
Editor Koran |
161 |
Novelist |
Novelis |
162 |
Nurse |
Perawat |
163 |
Nursery Nurse |
Perawat Anak-anak |
164 |
Nutritionist |
Ahli Nutrisi |
165 |
Office Boy |
Pesuruh Kantor |
166 |
Operator |
Operator |
167 |
Ore Crusher |
Penghancur Bijih |
168 |
Paediatrician |
Dokter Spesialis
Anak |
169 |
Painter |
Pelukis |
170 |
Pastor |
Pastur |
171 |
Pastor |
Pendeta |
172 |
Patent Agent |
Agen Paten |
173 |
Pedicurist |
Juru Rawat Kuku Kaki |
174 |
Pharmacist |
Apoteker |
175 |
Philosopher |
Filsuf |
176 |
Photographer |
Juru Potret |
177 |
Physicist |
Ahli Fisika |
178 |
Physiotherapist |
Ahli Pengobatan
Badan |
179 |
Pianist |
Pianis |
180 |
Piano tuner |
Pengatur Sistem
Piano |
181 |
Pilot |
Pilot |
182 |
Police |
Polisi |
183 |
Police Assistant |
Asisten Polisi |
184 |
Police Investigator |
Polisi Penyidik |
185 |
Politician |
Politikus |
186 |
Postman |
Tukang Pos |
187 |
President |
Presiden |
188 |
Prime Minister |
Perdana Menteri |
189 |
Programmer |
Programmer |
190 |
Prosecutor |
Jaksa |
191 |
Psychiatrist |
Psikiater |
192 |
Psychologist |
Psikolog |
193 |
Publict Notary |
Notaris |
194 |
Puppeteer |
Dalang |
195 |
Purchasing Officer |
Petugas Pembelian |
196 |
Quality Control
Technician |
Teknisi Kontrol
Kualitas |
197 |
Quality Inspector |
Inspektur Kualitas |
198 |
Queen |
Ratu |
199 |
Real Estate Agent |
Agen Perumahan |
200 |
Receptionist |
Resepsionis |
201 |
Referee |
Wasit |
202 |
Reporter |
Wartawan |
203 |
Researcher |
Peneliti |
204 |
Safety Engineer |
Insinyur Keselamatan |
205 |
Sailor |
Pelaut |
206 |
Sales Assistant |
Asisten Penjualan |
207 |
Sales Manager |
Manajer Penjualan |
208 |
Sales Representative |
Penjualan |
209 |
Salesman |
Pedagang |
210 |
Scientist |
Ilmuwan |
211 |
Script Editor |
Editor Naskah |
212 |
Sculptor |
Pengukir / Pemahat |
213 |
Sea Captain |
Nahkoda |
214 |
Secretary |
Sekretaris |
215 |
Security |
Satpam |
216 |
Security Guard |
Penjaga Keamanan |
217 |
Seller |
Penjual |
218 |
Shepherd |
Gembala |
219 |
Shipmaster |
Nahkoda |
220 |
Singer |
Penyanyi |
221 |
Social Worker |
Relawan |
222 |
Sociologist |
Ahli Sosiologi |
223 |
Soldier |
Tentara |
224 |
Songwriter |
Penggubah Lagu |
225 |
Statician |
Ahli Statistik |
226 |
Steward |
Pramugara |
227 |
Stewardess |
Pramugari |
228 |
Stockbroker |
Makelar Saham |
229 |
Storekeeper |
Petugas Toko |
230 |
Stuntman /
Stuntwoman |
Pemeran Pengganti |
231 |
Tailor |
Penjahit |
232 |
Tax Consultant |
Konsultan Pajak |
233 |
Teacher |
Guru |
234 |
Technician |
Teknisi |
235 |
Telephone Operator |
Operator Telepon |
236 |
Teller |
Petugas Bank |
237 |
Tour Guide |
Pemandu Wisata |
238 |
Trader |
Pedagang |
239 |
Train Driver |
Masinis |
240 |
Train Operator |
Operator Kereta Api |
241 |
Trainer |
Pelatih |
242 |
Translator |
Penerjemah |
243 |
Violinist |
Pemain Biola |
244 |
Waiter |
Pramusaji |
245 |
Waitress |
Pramusaji |
246 |
Weaver |
Penenun |
247 |
Wigmaker |
Pembuat Wig |
248 |
Zookeeper |
Penjaga Kebun
Binatang |
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