List of Feelings: Feeling Words and Emotion Words in English
Learn useful feeling words and emotion words with pictures and example sentences to improve and enhance your vocabulary in English. There are many times when you may need to talk about how you are feeling, or perhaps describe how someone else is feeling. For this reason, it is important to be able to talk about the various emotions in English. You may also need to understand these emotion names in situations where someone is explaining to you how they feel, and by being able to recognize what they are saying, you will be better able to help them.
With this article, we will be explaining what feelings are and the difference between feelings and emotions, if that’s not enough, we are also going to share with you various positive and negative feeling words and a detailed list of feelings and emotions in English!
Feeling Words & Emotion Words
On Earth, there are currently over seven billion people and yet no two are the exact same. However, if there is one thing that we can find we all have in common with each other; it’s feelings. We all feel and we all go experience some difficulty at some point in our lives putting those feelings into words, as we still don’t completely understand what feelings really are.
What Are Feelings?
Feelings have been around for a very, very long time. However, we only officially succeeded to discover them around the 1830’s, thanks to Thomas Brown. That was also when the word was officially added to the dictionary with the meaning we still use today. As before that, the meaning of feelings meant something a little different. The word ‘feelings’ has two separate meanings; physical and emotional.
The physical side of the word ‘feelings’ was the first to be discovered and added to the dictionary, as a verb as it’s a physical thing. A physical feeling is what you feel physically, for example, the warmth you feel while you lay under the Summer sun or under a blanket during the harsh Winter. Another example would be, when you get too close to a flame or break a bone.
The emotional side of the word ‘feelings’ is an adjective and the one we will be focusing on in this article. An emotional feeling, is something you feel on the inside. This could be: happy or sad, angry or disgusted.
Now, when you feel something physically it can be a lot easier to find the words to describe it, as it’s physical. However, when it comes to describing emotional feelings, you’ll find that it can be a lot harder to do so. This is because we all feel differently and can sometimes confuse a feeling for another, this is completely normal and you may just find out why in the next section!
Emotions vs. Feelings
Despite it has been over two-hundred years since feelings were discovered, there is still a lot we don’t know about them. But it can be said that we have made tremendous progress in expanding our knowledge and we’re still not done. One thing people often get wrong, however, is the belief that emotions and feelings are the exact same thing. Now, they may be similar, but they are not the same thing, whatsoever.
The concept of emotions was discovered thirty years before feelings, around the 1800’s by Thomas Brown. Years later during the 1970’s, psychologist Paul Eckman, concluded that humans had six different emotions: happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise and anger. However, as studies continued, it was quickly discovered that, that number is a lot higher than first believed. Raising the number six to a shocking twenty-seven and debates that claim the total number of emotions are even higher that twenty-seven, are still taking place to this day.
Now that we know the story behind emotions, what exactly are they and how do they differ from feelings?
There is a reason as to why we say ’emotional feelings’ and that is because emotions are what cause feelings. Emotions are a physical response to our environment; this means emotions are aroused before feelings. And due to emotions being physical, it can be easy to identify them, with observation. Feelings, however, are mental associations and reactions to our emotions and because they take place in our mind, rather than our body like emotions, it’s a lot harder to identify a feeling.
For example, imagine you are scared of the dark and all the lights in your home go out due to a storm. Now your body will represent fear, your eyes are open wide and you’re moving slowly. But on the inside, you’re feeling cautious and worried, perhaps even nervous. Those are the feelings that come with that specific emotion. In conclusion, emotions take place on your body while feelings take place in the mind.
List of Feelings (from A – Z)
Here are some words to help you describe what you feel!
Positive Feeling Words
Amused Feeling Words:
- Absorbed
- Beguiled
- Busy
- Charmed
- Cheered-up
- Convulsed
- Delighted
- Diverted
- Engaged
- Entertained
- Glad
- Interested
- Involved
- Pleased
- Preoccupied
- Regaled
- Wowed
Happy Feeling Words:
- Beaming
- Blessed
- Blissful
- Carefree
- Cheerful
- Confident
- Content
- Delighted
- Euphoric
- Exhilarated
- Glad
- Glowing
- Gratified
- Inclined
- Joy
- Pleased
- Powerful
- Radiant
- Secure
- Self-accepting
- Strong
- Thrilled
Peaceful Feeling Words:
- Amicable
- Anxiety-free
- Blissful
- Calm
- Committed
- Composed
- Content
- Cordial
- Flexible
- Harmonious
- Isolated
- Patient
- Pleasant
- Productive
- Quiet
- Relaxed
- Restful
- Secure
- Serene
- Soothed
- Stable
- Tranquil
- Undisturbed
- Untroubled
- Unworried
Pleased Feeling Words:
- Acceptable
- Amused
- Content
- Contented
- Delighted
- Elated
- Engaged
- Entertained
- Glad
- Good
- Grateful
- Gratified
- Happy
- Lovely
- Nice
- Overjoyed
- Pleasant
- Satisfied
- Self-approving
- Superior
- Thankful
- Thrilled
- Well-pleased
Powerful Feeling Words:
- Athletic
- Buff
- Compelling
- Controlling
- Dominant
- Dynamic
- Hard
- Herculean
- High-powered
- Important
- Influential
- Intoxicating
- Irresistible
- Manly
- Mighty
- Persuasive
- Ripped
- Shredded
- Solid
- Spirituous
- Stiff
- Strong
- Sturdy
- Thunderous
- Tough
- Vigorous
- Well-built
Romantic Feeling Words:
- Affectionate
- Amorous
- Beautiful
- Charming
- Dreamy
- Erotic
- Fond
- Generous
- Grateful
- Humble
- Idealistic
- Illicit
- Intimate
- Kind
- Lovable
- Lovely
- Lovesick
- Loving
- Lustful
- Passionate
- Romanticist
- Satisfied
- Tolerant
Negative Feeling Words
Angry Feeling Words:
- Annoyed
- Bad-tempered
- Conceited
- Crabby
- Cross
- Disgusted
- Displeased
- Dissatisfied
- Enraged
- Exasperated
- Fuming
- Furious
- Hot-tempered
- Hot-headed
- Intolerant
- Irritated
- Jealous
- Mad
- Outraged
- Provoked
- Raging
- Resentful
- Stingy
- Waspish
- Wrathful
Bored Feeling Words:
- Bummer
- Disinterested
- Dull
- Fatigued
- Inattentive
- Flat
- Lifeless
- Monotonous
- Spiritless
- Stale
- Stodgy
- Stuffy
- Stupid
- Tamed
- Tedious
- Tired
- Tiresome
- Tiring
Disgusted Feeling Words:
- Annoyed
- Appalled
- Dismayed
- Displeased
- Dissatisfied
- Embarrassed
- Grossed-out
- Horrified
- Nasty
- Nauseated
- Offended
- Outraged
- Repelled
- Repulsed
- Revolted
- Shocked
- Sickened
- Trashed
- Ugly
- Unwanted
- Used
- Violated
Insecure Feeling Words:
- Anxious
- Apprehensive
- Diffident
- Doubtful
- Fearful
- Hesitant
- Inhibited
- Introverted
- Passive
- Self-conscious
- Self-doubting
- Shy
- Timid
- Unassertive
- Uncertain
- Unconfident
- Unsure
- Worried
Sad Feeling Words:
- Awful
- Blue
- Broken-hearted
- Depressed
- Doleful
- Down
- Downhearted
- Gloomy
- Glum
- Guilty
- Heartbroken
- Lonely
- Low-spirited
- Miserable
- Mournful
- Needy
- Pitiful
- Regretful
- Small
- Sorrowful
- Sorry
- Unfortunate
- Unhappy
Scared Feeling Words:
- Afraid
- Agitated
- Alarmed
- Confused
- Fearful
- Frantic
- Frightened
- Horrified
- Hysterical
- Impatient
- Indecisive
- Intimidated
- Jittery
- Jumpy
- Nervous
- Panicky
- Petrified
- Rigid
- Shaky
- Spooked
- Stressed
- Terrified
- Worried
Feeling Words
List of Feeling Words & Emotion Words
Following is a list of adjectives to help you narrow down exactly what word best describes your current feelings and emotions.
- Happy
- Afraid
- Sad
- Hot
- Amused
- Bored
- Anxious
- Confident
- Cold
- Suspicious
- Surprised
- Loving
- Curious
- Envious
- Jealous
- Miserable
- Confused
- Stupid
- Angry
- Sick
- Ashamed
- Withdrawn
- Indifferent
- Sorry
- Determined
- Crazy
- Bashful
- Depressed
- Enraged
- Frightened
- Interested
- Shy
- Hopeful
- Regretful
- Scared
- Stubborn
- Thirsty
- Guilty
- Nervous
- Embarrassed
- Disgusted
- Proud
- Ecstatic
- Lonely
- Frustrated
- Hurt
- Hungry
- Tired
- Smug
- Thoughtful
- Pained
- Optimistic
- Relieved
- Puzzled
- Shocked
- Joyful
- Sleepy
- Excited
- Skeptical
- Bad
- Worried
Feeling Words & Emotion Words with Pictures
List of emotions with useful example sentences illustrated with images.
– I want to make you happy!
– I hope I can find the one who is afraid for losing me.
– This music always makes me sad.
– She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.
– I could see she was highly amused.
– The boys were getting bored.
– He was anxious to preserve his reputation.
– I am confident of my future.
– She felt cold in her flimsy dress.
– I’m very suspicious about her motives.
– She was very surprised when she saw me.
– She was a warm and loving mother.
– I’m curious to know what she said.
– She was envious of her sister’s beauty.
– Why are you so jealous of his success?
– She looked rather strained and miserable.
– I’m totally confused. Could you explain that again?
– She was really stupid to quit her job like that.
– He changed his mind, which made me very angry.
– She was very sympathetic when I was sick.
– You should be ashamed of yourself.
– She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.
– I pretended to be indifferent to it.
– I’m sorry, but I’m busy right now.
– He was determined to retrieve his honor.
– You’re crazy to go out in this weather.
– The boy was too bashful to ask her to dance.
– He began to feel depressed and helpless.
– She was enraged at the injustice of the remark.
– The child is frightened by the ugly man.
– I’ve always been interested in music.
– The child was shy and hid behind his mother.
– I am hopeful that she will come tomorrow.
– He is regretful for what he has done.
– I was scared of the big dog.
– He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way.
– I often feel thirsty when it’s very hot.
– I feel so guilty, leaving all this to you.
– I was too nervous to eat.
– She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.
– I am completely disgusted with her.
– He is too proud to see his own mistake.
– Annie was ecstatic about the idea.
– I live all alone but I never feel lonely.
– They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.
– She was very hurt by his unkind words.
– I’m hungry – let’s have lunch.
– Are you tired after your labours?
– She was very smug and self-satisfied about getting the promotion.
– She’s a very kind and thoughtful person.
– She was pained when you refused her invitation.
– She is optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal.
– I am relieved to hear that this isn’t true.
– You look very puzzled about something.
– His mother was shocked at the news.
– She was joyful of her good result of the scientific experiments.
– I was so sleepy, I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
– What are you so excited about?
– I am rather skeptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.
– I feel bad about the mistake.
– I’m worried about my husband’s health.
List of Feelings | Pictures
Feeling Words & Emotion Words | Emotions and Feelings Image 1
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