Unit 13: Word List
241. blood / blʌd / n. (darah)
Blood is the red liquid in your body.
e.g. I cut my finger and got blood on my shirt.
(Jari saya terluka dan darah kena baju saya.)
242. burn / bɝːn / v. (membakar)
To burn something is to set it on fire.
e.g. I burned some wood in the camp fire.
(Saya membakar beberapa kayu di api unggun.)
243. cell / sel / n. (sel)
A cell is a small room where a person is locked in.
e.g. The jail cell was very small.
(Sel penjara itu sangat kecil.)
244. contain / kənˈteɪn / v. (berisi)
To contain something is to have it inside.
e.g. The mailbox contained a letter.
(Kotak surat itu berisi surat.)
245. correct / kəˈrekt / adj. (benar)
To be correct is to be right.
e.g. All my answers on the test were correct.
(Semua jawaban saya di ujian benar.)
246. crop / krɒp / n. (tanaman, hasil panen)
A crop is food that a farmer grows.
e.g. Wheat is a crop that is made into bread.
(Gandum adalah hasil panen yang dibuat menjadi roti..)
247. demand / dɪˈmænd / v. (menuntut, meminta)
To demand something is to say strongly that you want it.
e.g. The workers demanded to be paid more money.
(Para pekerja menuntut dibayar lebih banyak.)
248. equal / ˈiː.kwəl / adj. (sama, setara, sejajar)
To be equal is to be the same.
e.g. Both students are equal in age.
(Kedua siswa tersebut seusia.)
249. feed / fiːd / v. (memberi makan)
To feed is to give food.
e.g. Mother feeds my baby brother every day.
(Ibu memberi makan adikku yang bayi setiap hari.)
250. hole / hoʊl / n. (lubang)
A hole is an opening in something.
e.g. The man was going to jump into the hole in the ice.
(Pria itu akan melompat ke lubang di es.)
251. increase / ɪnˈkriːs / v. (meningkat)
To increase something is to make it larger or more.
e.g. They’ve increased the price of gas by 15 cents!
(Mereka telah menaikkan harga bensin sebesar 15 sen!)
252. lord / lɔːrd / n. (tuan, tuhan, penguasa)
Long ago, a lord was a man in charge of a town.
e.g. The lord of the town was not kind.
(Penguasa kota itu tidak baik hati.)
253. owe / oʊ / v. (berutang)
To owe is to have to pay or give back something received from another.
e.g. I owed him twenty dollars, so I paid him back.
(Saya berhutang dua puluh dolar kepadanya, jadi saya membayarnya kembali.)
254. position / pəˈzɪʃ.ən / n. (posisi)
A position is the way something is placed.
e.g. How can you sit in that position?
(Bagaimana Anda bisa duduk di posisi itu?)
255. raise / reɪz / v. (menaikkan, mengangkat)
To raise something is to lift it up.
e.g. We had to work together to raise the last piece.
(Kami harus bekerja sama untuk mengangkat potongan terakhir.)
256. responsible / rɪˈspɑːn.sə.bəl / adj. (bertanggungjawab)
If a person is responsible, they do the right things.
e.g. I try to be responsible and save money.
(Saya mencoba untuk bertanggung jawab dan menghemat uang.)
257. sight / saɪt / n. (penglihatan, pandangan)
A sight is something interesting to see.
e.g. I saw the pyramids of Egypt. What a sight!
(Saya melihat piramida Mesir. Pemandangan yang luar biasa!)
258. spot / spɑːt / n. (tempat, titik)
A spot is a place where something happens.
e.g. The kitchen is a good spot to eat meals.
(Dapur adalah tempat yang bagus untuk makan.)
259. structure / ˈstrʌk.tʃɚ / n. (struktur, bangunan, kerangka)
A structure is a building.
e.g. They just built a beautiful new structure downtown.
(Mereka baru saja membangun bangunan baru yang indah di pusat kota.)
260. whole / hoʊl / adj. (seluruh, utuh)
Whole means all of something.
e.g. I ate the whole pie. We don’t have any more.
(Saya makan seluruh pai. Kami tidak punya lagi.)
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