Unit 18: Word List
341. argue / ˈɑːrɡ.juː / v. (berdebat)
To argue is to angrily speak to someone because you do not agree.
e.g. We argued about where to go for dinner.
(Kami berdebat tentang ke mana harus pergi untuk makan malam.)
342. communicate / kəˈmjuː.nə.keɪt / v. (berkomunikasi)
To communicate is to give information by talking, writing, etc.
e.g. I communicated with Paul about his new ideas.
(Saya berkomunikasi dengan Paul tentang ide-ide barunya.)
343. crowd / kraʊd / n. (banyak orang, orang banyak, kerumunan)
A crowd is a large group of people.
e.g. A large crowd had gathered on the street to see the accident.
(Banyak orang berkumpul di jalan untuk melihat kecelakaan itu.)
344. depend / dɪˈpend / v. (tergantung)
To depend on someone or something is to need them.
e.g. Children depend on their parents for many things.
(Anak-anak bergantung pada orang tua mereka untuk banyak hal.)
345. dish / dɪʃ / v. (piring, hidangan, sajian)
A dish is a plates
e.g. She put a clean white dish on the table.
(Dia meletakkan piring putih bersih di atas meja.)
346. empty / ˈemp.ti / adj. (kosong)
If something is empty, it does not have anything in it.
e.g. My gas tank was almost empty, so I couldn’t drive my car very long.
(Tangki bensin saya hampir kosong, jadi saya tidak bisa mengendarai mobil terlalu lama.)
347. exact / ɪɡˈzækt / adj. (pas, tepat, persis)
If something is exact, it is just the right amount.
e.g. Please use the exact amount of sugar for the cake.
(Harap gunakan jumlah gula yang tepat untuk kuenya.)
348. fresh / freʃ / adj. (segar)
If something is fresh, it is new.
e.g. I just bought these oranges. They are very fresh.
(Saya baru saja membeli jeruk ini. Mereka sangat segar.)
349. gather / ˈɡæð.ɚ / v. (berkumpul, mengumpulkan)
To gather is to collect several things usually from different places.
e.g. Sam gathered some flowers for his mother.
(Sam mengumpulkan beberapa bunga untuk ibunya.)
350. indicate / ˈɪn.də.keɪt / v. (mengindikasikan)
To indicate means to show, point or make something clear.
e.g. He pointed to his eyes to indicate where he had hurt himself.
(Dia menunjuk matanya untuk menunjukkan di mana dia telah melukai dirinya sendiri.)
351. item / ˈaɪ.t̬əm / n. (barang)
An item is a thing that you buy or sell.
e.g. I have many items for school in my bag.
(Saya punya banyak barang untuk sekolah di tas saya.)
352. offer / ˈɑː.fɚ / v. (menawarkan)
To offer is to present someone with something.
e.g. He offered me the keys to his car.
(Dia menawariku kunci mobilnya.)
353. price / praɪs / n. (harga)
The price of something is how much it costs.
e.g. What is the price of this item?
(Berapa harga barang ini?)
354. product / ˈprɑː.dʌkt / n. (produk)
A product is something that is made.
e.g. My sister had many beauty products in her room.
(Kakak saya punya banyak produk kecantikan di kamarnya.)
355. property / ˈprɑː.pɚ.t̬i / n. (milik, properti, kekayaan, harta)
Property is something that someone owns.
e.g. The house is now my property.
(Rumah itu sekarang menjadi milikku.)
356. purchase / ˈpɝː.tʃəs / v. (membeli)
To purchase something is to buy it.
e.g. I recently purchased a new car.
(Saya baru saja membeli mobil baru.)
357. recommend / ˌrek.əˈmend / v. (menganjurkan, merekomendasikan)
To recommend something is to say that someone should do it.
e.g. My doctor recommended that I get some exercise.
(Dokter saya menganjurkan agar saya berolahraga.)
358. select / səˈlekt / v. (memilih)
To select something is to choose it.
e.g. I hope that I selected the right answers on the test.
(Saya harap saya memilih jawaban yang benar dalam ujian.)
359. tool / tuːl / n. (alat)
A tool is something that helps you do a task.
e.g. We used a tool to fix the window.
(Kami menggunakan alat untuk memperbaiki jendela.)
360. treat / triːt / v. (memperlakukan)
To treat is to act in a certain way toward someone.
e.g. The cats treated the mouse very nicely.
(Kucing-kucing itu memperlakukan tikus itu dengan sangat baik.)
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