Saturday 27 August 2022

600 Essential English Words 7


Unit 7: Word List

121. allow / əˈlaʊ / v. (mengizinkan)
To allow something to happen means to let it happen. 
e.g. Having a ticket will allow you to enter the show. 
    (Memiliki tiket akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memasuki pertunjukan.)

122. announce / əˈnaʊns / v. (mengumumkan)
To announce something is to make it known. 
e.g. He announced to everyone his new idea for the company. 
    (Dia mengumumkan kepada semua orang ide barunya untuk perusahaan.) 

123. beside / bɪˈsaɪd / prep. (di samping / di sebelah)
When someone or something is beside you, they are next to you. 
e.g. The two brothers stood beside each other. 
    (Kedua bersaudara itu berdiri di samping satu sama lain.)

124. challenge / ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ / n. (tantangan)
A challenge is something difficult to complete. 
e.g. It was a challenge to climb to the top of the mountain. 
       (Itu merupakan tantangan untuk mendaki ke puncak gunung.)

125. claim / kleɪm / v. (mengklaim)
To claim means to say that something is true. 
e.g. He claimed to know why the country’s laws were weak. 
    (Dia mengaku tahu mengapa hukum negara itu lemah.)

126. condition / kənˈdɪʃ.ən / n. (kondisi) 
The condition of someone or something is the state that they are in. 
e.g. The patient’s condition was very good. 
    (Kondisi pasien sangat baik.)

127. contribute / kənˈtrɪb.juːt / v. (berkontrubusi)
To contribute to something means to do something to makes it successful. 
e.g. We decided to contribute money to the new hospital. 
    (Kami memutuskan untuk menyumbangkan uang untuk rumah sakit baru.)

128. difference / ˈdɪf.ɚ.əns / n. (perbedaan)
A difference is a way that something is not like other things. 
e.g. The biggest difference between the birds is the color of their feathers. 
    (Perbedaan terbesar antara burung adalah warna bulunya.)

129. divide / dɪˈvaɪd / v. (membagi)
To divide something is to make it into smaller parts. 
e.g. We divided the pizza. 
    (Kami membagi pizza.)

130. expert / ˈek.spɝːt / n. (ahli)
An expert is someone who is very good at doing something. 
e.g. The wizard was an expert at magic. 
    (Penyihir itu ahli dalam sihir.)

131. famous / ˈfeɪ.məs / adj. (terkenal)
If someone or something is famous they are known to many people. 
e.g. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is very famous. 
    (Menara Eiffel di Paris sangat terkenal.)

132. force / fɔːrs / n. (paksaan, kekuatan)      v. (memaksa)
Force is a person’s strength or power. 
e.g. He used all his force to try and open the door. 
    (Dia menggunakan semua kekuatannya untuk mencoba membuka pintu.)

133. harm / hɑːrm / n. (bahaya, kerusakan)
Harm is hurt or problems caused to someone or something. 
e.g. A hot iron can cause great harm if you are not careful. 
    (Setrika panas dapat menyebabkan kerusakan besar jika Anda tidak berhati-hati.)

134. lay / leɪ / v. (meletakkan, menempatkan, membaringkan)
To lay means to put or place in a horizontal or flat position. 
e.g. Don’t lay your socks on the floors. 
(Jangan taruh kaus kaki Anda di lantai.)
135. peace / piːs / n. (perdamaian)
Peace is a time without war. 
e.g. A white dove is a symbol for peace. 
    (Burung merpati putih adalah simbol perdamaian.)

136. prince / prɪns / n. (pangeran)
A prince is the son of a king. 
e.g. The prince and the princess were married. 
    (Pangeran dan putri menikah.)

137. protect / prəˈtekt / v. (melindungi)
To protect someone is to stop them from getting hurt. 
e.g. Firemen protect us from fires. 
    (Petugas pemadam kebakaran melindungi kita dari api.)

138. sense / sens / v. (merasakan)       n. (rasa, perasaan)
To sense something is to know about it without being told. 
e.g. I could sense that he was watching me. 
    (Saya bisa merasakan bahwa dia sedang memperhatikan saya.)

139. sudden / ˈsʌd.ən / adj. (tiba-tiba) 
When something is sudden, it happens very quickly. 
e.g. He felt a sudden pain in his chest. 
    (Dia tiba-tiba merasakan sakit di dadanya.)

140. therefore / ˈðer.fɔːr / adv. (oleh karena itu)
Therefore means for this reason. 
e.g. He is fat. Therefore, he will go on a diet. 
    (Dia gemuk. Oleh karena itu, dia akan melakukan diet.)

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