Saturday 27 August 2022

600 Essential English Words 1


Unit 1: Word List

1. afraid / əˈfreɪd / adj. (takut)
When someone is afraid, they feel fear
e.g. The woman was afraid of what she saw.
    (Wanita itu takut dengan apa yang dilihatnya.)

2. agree / əˈɡriː / v. (setuju)
To agree is to say "yes" or to think the same way.
e.g. A : The food is very good in that restaurant.  B: I agree with you.
    (A: Makanan di restoran itu sangat enak. B: Saya setuju dengan Anda.)

3. angry / ˈæŋ.ɡri / adj. (marah)
When someone is angry, they may want to speak loudly or fight. 
e.g. She didn't do her homework, so her father is angry.
    (Dia tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya, jadi ayahnya marah.)

4. arrive / əˈraɪv / v. (tiba)
To arrive is to get to or reach some place.
e.g. The bus always arrives at the corner of my street at 4:00.
    (misalnya Bus selalu tiba di sudut jalan saya pada jam 4:00.)

5. attack / əˈtæk / v. (menyerang)
To attack is to try to fight or to hurt.
e.g. The man with the sword attacked the other man first.
    (Pria dengan pedang menyerang pria lainnya lebih dulu.)

6. bottom / ˈbɑː.t̬əm / n. (bawah, bagian bawah, pantat)
The bottom is the lowest part.
e.g. The bottom of my shoe has a hole in it.
    (Bagian bawah sepatuku berlubang.)

7. clever / ˈklev.ər / adj. (pintar)
When someone is clever, they can solve a hard puzzle or problem.
e.g. The clever boy thought of a good idea.
    (Bocah pintar itu memikirkan ide yang bagus.)
8. cruel / ˈkruː.əl / adj. (kejam)
When someone is cruel, they do had things to hurt others.
e.g. The cruel man yelled at his sister.
    (Pria kejam itu meneriaki saudara perempuannya.)

9. finally / ˈfaɪ.nəl.i / adv. (akhirnya) 
If something happens finally, it happens after a long time or at the end. 
e.g. He finally crossed the finish line after five hours of running.
    (Dia akhirnya melewati garis finish setelah lima jam berlari.)

10. hide / haɪd / v. (bersembunyi)
To hide is to try not to let others see you.
e.g. The other children will hide while you count to 100.
    (Anak-anak lain akan bersembunyi saat Anda menghitung sampai 100.)

11. hunt / hʌnt / v. (berburu)
To hunt is to look for or search for an animal to kill.
e.g. Long ago, people hunted with bows and arrows. 
    (Dahulu kala, orang berburu dengan busur dan anak panah.)

12. lot / lɑːt / n. (banyak)
A lot means a large number or amount of people, animals, things, etc.
e.g. There are a lot of apples in the basket.
    (Ada banyak apel di dalam keranjang.)

13. middle / ˈmɪd.əl / n. (tengah)
The middle of something is the center or halfway point.
e.g. The Canadian flag has a maple leaf in the middle of it.
    (Bendera Kanada memiliki daun maple di tengahnya.)

14. moment / ˈmoʊ.mənt / n. (saat)
A moment is a second or a very short time.
e.g. I was only a few moments late for the meeting.  
    (Saya hanya terlambat beberapa saat untuk pertemuan tersebut.)
15. pleased / pliːzd / adj. (senang)
When someone is pleased, they are happy.
e.g. She was pleased with the phone call she received.
    (Dia senang dengan panggilan telepon yang dia terima.)

16. promise / ˈprɑː.mɪs / v. (berjanji)
To promise is to say you will do something for sure. 
e.g. He promised to return my key by tomorrow. 
    (Dia berjanji untuk mengembalikan kunci saya besok)

17. reply / rɪˈplaɪ / v. (membalas, menjawab) 
To reply is to give an answer or say back to someone.
e.g. She asked him what time his meeting was. He replied, “at three.”
    (Dia bertanya padanya jam berapa pertemuannya. Dia menjawab, "pukul tiga.)

18. safe / seɪf / adj. (aman, selamat)
When a person is safe, they are not in danger.
e.g. Put on your seatbelt in the car to be safe.
    (Kenakan sabuk pengaman Anda di dalam mobil agar aman)

19. trick  / trɪk / n. (trik, kiat, muslihat) 
A trick is something you do to fool another person.
e.g. His card trick really surprised us.
    (Trik kartunya benar-benar mengejutkan kami.)

20. well / wel / adj. (baik)     n. (sumur)
You use well to say that something was done in a good way. 
e.g. The couple can dance quite well.
    (Pasangan itu bisa menari dengan cukup baik.)

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