Saturday 27 August 2022

600 Essential English Words 2

Unit 2: Word List

21. adventure / ədˈven.tʃər / n. (petualangan)
An adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do.
e.g. Riding in the rough water was an adventure.
    (Berkendara di air yang deras adalah sebuah petualangan.)

22. approach / əˈproʊtʃ / v. (mendekati)      n. (pendekatan)
To approach something means to move close to it.
e.g. The boy approached his school.
    (Anak laki-laki itu mendekati sekolahnya.) 

23. chemical / ˈkem.ɪ.kəl / n. (bahan kimia)
A chemical is something that scientists use in chemistry. 
e.g. The scientist mixed the chemicals.
    (Ilmuwan mencampur bahan kimia.)

24. carefully / ˈkeər.fəl.i / adv. (dengah hati-hati)
Carefully means with great attention, especially to detail or safety.
e.g. The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
    (Bayi itu dengan hati-hati menuruni tangga.)

25. create / kriˈeɪt / v. (membuat yang baru, menciptakan)
To create means to make something new. 
e.g. She created an igloo from blocks of snow. 
    (Dia membuat igloo dari balok salju.)

26. evil / ˈiː.vəl / adj. (jahat)      n. (kejahatan)
Evil describes something or someone bad or cruel, not good.
e.g. The evil figure scared us all.
    (Sosok jahat itu menakuti kita semua.)

27. experiment / ɪkˈsper.ə.mənt / n. (percobaan)
An experiment is a test that you do to see what will happen. 
e.g. The student did an experiment in science class.
    (Siswa melakukan percobaan di kelas IPA (science).)

28. kill / kɪl / v. (membunuh)
To kill someone or something is to make them die.
e.g. I killed the fly with a fly swatter.
    (Saya membunuh lalat dengan pemukul lalat.)

29. laboratory / ˈlæb.rə.tɔːr.i / n. (laboratorium)
A laboratory is a room where a scientist works. 
e.g. My mother works in a laboratory.
    (Ibuku bekerja di laboratorium.)

30. laugh / læf / v. (tertawa)       n. (tawa)
Laugh is the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs. 
e.g. The sound of their laugh filled the room.
    (Suara tawa mereka memenuhi ruangan.)

31. loud / laʊd / adj. (keras)
If a sound is loud, it is strong and very easy to hear. 
e.g. The man’s voice was so loud that we all could hear him. 
    (Suara pria itu sangat keras sehingga kami semua bisa mendengarnya.)

32. nervous / ˈnɝː.vəs / adj. (gugup)
When a person is nervous, they think something bad will happen. 
e.g. The boy became nervous when he heard the news.
    (Anak laki-laki itu menjadi gugup ketika mendengar berita itu.)

33. noise / nɔɪz / n. (kebisingan, suara bising)
A noise is an unpleasant sound. 
e.g. The crying baby made a loud noise.
    (Bayi yang menangis itu mengeluarkan suara keras.)

34. project / ˈprɑː.dʒekt / n. (proyek)
A project is a type of work that you do for school or a job.
e.g. His afternoon work project was to paint the room green. 
    (Proyek pekerjaan sore harinya adalah mengecat ruangan dengan warna hijau.)
35. scared / skeəd / adj. (merasa takut)
To scare someone is to make them feel afraid.
e.g. My uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.
    (Paman saya ketakutan dengan apa yang dilihatnya di ruangan itu.)

36. secret / ˈsiː.krət / n. (rahasia)
A secret is something that you do not tell other people. 
e.g. The two boys were sharing a secret. 
    (Kedua anak laki-laki itu berbagi rahasia.)

37. shout / ʃaʊt / v. (berteriak, meneriaki, membentak)
To shout is to say something loudly. 
e.g. My boss shouted at me because I was late for work.
    (Bos saya membentak saya karena saya terlambat kerja.)

38. smell / smel / v. (mencium, membaui)
To smell something means to use your nose to sense it. 
e.g. The two friends smelled the flower.
    (Kedua sahabat itu mencium bunga itu.)

39. terrible / ˈter.ə.bəl / adj. (mengerikan, buruk sekali) 
If something is terrible, it is very bad.
e.g. The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
    (Cara dia memperlakukan teman sekelasnya sangat buruk.)

40. worse / wɝːs / adj. (lebih buruk)
If something is worse, it is of poorer quality than another thing. 
e.g. Business was worse this month than last month.
    (Bisnis bulan ini lebih buruk daripada bulan lalu.)

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