Saturday 27 August 2022

600 Essential English Words 3


Unit 3: Word List

41. alien / ˈeɪ.li.ən / n. (alien)
An alien is a creature from a different world. 
e.g. The alien came in peace. 
    (Alien datang dengan damai.)

42. among / əˈmʌŋ / prep. (di antara)
If you are among certain things, they are all around you.
e.g. There was a red apple among the green ones. 
    (Ada apel merah di antara yang hijau.) 

43. chart / tʃɑːrt / n. (bagan, grafik)
A chart is a list of information. 
e.g. We use a chart to see how we had improved. 
    (Kita menggunakan bagan untuk melihat bagaimana kita telah meningkat.)

44. cloud / klaʊd / n. (awan)
A cloud is a group of water drops in the sky. 
e.g. The sky was filled with white clouds. 
    (Langit dipenuhi awan putih.)

45. comprehend / ˌkɑːm.prəˈhend / v. (memahamami)
To comprehend something is to understand it. 
e.g. Henry could not comprehend the message. 
    (Henry tidak dapat memahami pesannya.)

46. describe / dɪˈskraɪb / v. (menggambarkan, mendeskripsikan)
To describe is to say or write what someone or something is like. 
e.g. They described their tree as colorful with gold ribbon and a star.
    (Mereka menggambarkan pohon mereka berwarna-warni dengan pita emas dan bintang.)

47. ever / ˈev.ɚ / adv. (pernah)
Ever means at any time. 
e.g. Going skiing last winter was the most fun I’ve ever had. 
    (Bermain ski musim dingin lalu adalah yang paling menyenangkan yang pernah saya alami.)

48. fail / feɪl / v. (gagal)
To fail means you do not succeed in what you try to do.
e.g. Since he failed to get the job, he was sad. 
    (Karena gagal mendapatkan pekerjaan itu, dia sedih.)

49. friendly / ˈfrend.li / adj. (bersahabat, ramah)
Friendly is behaving in a pleasant, kind way toward someone. 
e.g. The friendly animals came up to the girl.
    (Hewan yang ramah itu mendatangi gadis itu.)

50. grade / ɡreɪd / n. (nilai, kelas, tingkat)
A grade is a score or mark given to someone’s work. 
e.g. I managed to get good grades on my report card. 
    (Saya berhasil mendapatkan nilai bagus di rapor saya.)

51. instead / ɪnˈsted / adv. (alih-alih)
Instead means in place of. 
e.g. He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream. 
    (Dia makan wortel alih-alih es krim.) – (Dia makan wortel, bukan es krim)

52. library / ˈlaɪ.brer.i / n. (perpustakaan)
A library is a place where you go to read books. 
    (Perpustakaan di sekolah penuh dengan buku.)

53. planet / ˈplæn.ɪt / n. (planet)
A planet is a large round thing in space. 
e.g. Saturn is the planet with the ring around it.
    (Saturnus adalah planet dengan cincin di sekelilingnya.)

54. report / rɪˈpɔːrt / n. (rapor, laporan)
A report is something students write for school. 
e.g. Karen had trouble writing her report. 
    (Karen kesulitan menulis laporannya.)

55. several / ˈsev.ɚ.əl / det. (beberapa)
Several is more than two but not many.
e.g. He had to read several books for class. 
    (Dia harus membaca beberapa buku untuk kelas.)

56. solve / sɑːlv / v. (menangani, mengatasi)
To solve something is to find an answer to it. 
e.g. All the students could easily solve the math problem. 
    (Semua siswa dapat dengan mudah menyelesaikan soal matematika.)

57. suddenly / ˈsʌd.ən.li / adv. (tiba-tiba)
If something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and unexpectedly. 
e.g. I was suddenly surprised by the cake my friends brought me. 
    (Saya tiba-tiba terkejut dengan kue yang dibawakan teman-teman saya.)
58. suppose  / səˈpoʊz / v. (kira)
To suppose is to guess. 
e.g. I suppose I should go home now. 
    (Saya kira saya harus pulang sekarang.)

59. universe / ˈjuː.nə.vɝːs / n. (alam semesta) 
The universe is the known or supposed objects in space. 
e.g. The universe is so large that it cannot be measured. 
    (Alam semesta begitu besar sehingga tidak bisa diukur.)

60. view / vjuː / n. (memandang, melihat)
To view is to look at something. 
e.g. Michael likes to view himself in the mirror. 
    (Michael suka melihat dirinya di cermin.)

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